Saturday, June 30, 2012

Re: vim/cygwin: python support

On 6/30/2012 6:04 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On 30/06/12 23:32, ping wrote:
>> Thanks
>> I just got it recompiled under cygwin with python support
>> At least Voom that is based on python runs smoothly now
>> I can post detailed steps if anyone is interested
> [...]
> Maybe you should create a tip at ?
> Best regards,
> Tony.

sure I'll seriously do it later..
but currently, I'm still testing it -- trying to move all my linux-based
works (whole .vim including all plugins!) on this new build.

so Voom (python based) works perfect:

[1] bash.exe - 1 [2] tech-tips2.txt_VOOM2
2 161 . . |c-s mod> 4570 === arp
2 162 . . |smc 4571
2 163 . . |swap 4572 ==== ##arp
2+ 164 . . |coredump 4573 in.arpd
2+ 166 . . |NFS /1 4574 /etc/inet/hosts <- /etc/hosts
2+ 181 . . |autoFS 4575
2+ 188 . . |RAID & v 4576 /etc/ethers
2+ 192 . . |config v 4577
2+ 196 . . |name ser 4578 arp -a
- 198 . |book3 4579 -s
2 199 . . |etherne> 4580 -d
- 200 = . . |arp 4581
3 201 . . . |##arp 4582
3 202 . . . |##rarp 4583 ==== ##rarp

and ... I do find some minor (maybe not that minor) issue in here, e.g:

1)sometime (not everytime, roughly half chances) follow warning/errors
prompt, press <enter> it will go away and laugh vim.

[ping@ping-new-laptop ~]$ vim
1 [main] vim 6740 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by
'fcntl.dll' (0x320000) is already occupied

Cannot fork

Press ENTER or type command to continue

2) if 1) happened, then ConqueTerm plugin crash vim; otherwise it works

#when it crashes:

:ConqueTerm bash.exe

Error detected while processing function 231..conque_term#set_mappings:
line 150:
E31: No such mapping
Vim: Caught deadly signal HUPo continue

Vim: Finished.

#when it works (inside vim buffer):

[ping@ping-new-laptop ~]$
[ping@ping-new-laptop ~]$ ls
c doc Dropbox fuf living files n vim win-home win-programfile
[ping@ping-new-laptop ~]$
-- INSERT -- 20,27

overall I feel there is still some hopes that it can be a production tool...


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