Saturday, July 28, 2012

Re: background color gray instead of black

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 11:11:23AM -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> I've tried both these commands:
> :highlight Normal ctermbg=black
> :highlight Normal ctermbg=0
> but the background is still ugly grey not true black.
> Hmm after a bit more experimentation I find this does what I want:
> :highlight Normal ctermbg=255
> :highlight Normal ctermbg=255
> I guess this has to do with the colorscheme torte that I use in .vimrc,
> it just seems a bit weird the explicitly setting the color twice to what
> one would expect to be white is required to get it to be black :)

Maybe your terminal emulator? (gnome-terminal or konsole)

I use urxvt, switched to :colo torte and :syn on, and have
a brilliant black bg ...

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