Monday, July 30, 2012

Re: Filetype detection on vim

On 7/30/2012 9:28 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2012-07-30, ping wrote:
>>>> What I recommend is to add a new filetype.vim in one of the following
>>>> places (shown as they would appear in Vim):
>>>> - Single-user on Windows
>>>> $HOME/vimfiles/filetype.vim
>>> I actually prefer creating a file per filetype in
>>> $HOME/vimfiles/ftdetect, as detailed at the beginning of
>>> :help new-filetype
>> vim help doesn't mention anything about vimfiles directory...

not sure if this is what it was originally posted, but I did the
following test, still confusing..

created file .vim/ftdetect/log.vim, here is the content:

1 au BufRead *.log,*.txt call s:FTmy()
2 echo "we are in log.vim"
4 function! s:FTmy()
5 echo "we are under Ftmy"
6 endfunction

while open a temp.log file, I see "we are in log.vim", but not see "we
are under FTmy"...

am I missing anything here?


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