Monday, July 30, 2012

vcscommand + ZoomWin

I am using the latest version of both these plugins. I don't know which one this issue is with, but I suspect it's ZoomWin, since that remaps ctrl-w.

I open a file under source control, do :VCSVimDiff to get a split window with any local changes diff'd. I move the cursor back to the original window. I do <c-w>o to close all other windows. The window that shows the file as it is in the VCS closes. However, the original window still has the diff status, and I have to do :diffoff on it. Furthermore, vim now has trouble when I :q -- it says there is a modified buffer still open or something. It's not the original file, since I didn't necessarily make any changes to it in this session. I assume it's referring to the buffer that shows the file as it is in the VCS, and which I closed with <c-w>o, even though I didn't modify that buffer. I don't get any of these problems if I had kept the cursor in the new vcscommand window and closed it with :q.

The correct behaviour, and the behaviour without the ZoomWin plugin: after <c-w>o, the new vcscommand window closes and original window loses its diff status (as per the vcscommand docs).



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