I have installed vim 7.3.429 on my linux box (ubuntu 12.04) and php.vim is set to the latest version 1.35 (it was 1.33 -- I updated it manually) globlly (file is /usr/share/vim/vim73/indent/php.vim)
and my test file is the following:
if ($a
$b = 2; }
I would like to get:
if ($a) {
$b = 2;
and so I'm using ggVG= in the command mode.
but I only get this:
f ($a
$b = 2; }
so the formatting has really taken place, but not as much as what I thought it should be able to do on the author's website http://www.2072productions.com/to/phpindent.txt
Any help will be greatly appreciated. (I made a research of indent on the group site, but it was not to hepful -- I must have been misunderstanding something I think).
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