Saturday, August 25, 2012

Re: How do I define function for toggling textwidth (and echoing along)?

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 02:37:43PM +0530, Santosh Kumar wrote:
> [snip]
> Currently I have this mapping:
> nnoremap <silent> <leader>tw :exe "set textwidth=" . (&tw ? 0 : 78)<cr>
> This does the work but I don't get notified if the work has been done.
> All I want is along with toggling the setting I should be notified
> (i.e. if textwidth is zero then show textwidth=0 at statusline).

:help let-option comes useful in these cases. For example:

:nnoremap tw :let &textwidth = (&textwidth ? 0 : 78)<CR>:set textwidth?<CR>

It's a bit shorter and IMHO easier to read.

'formatoption' l (:help fo-table) might also be useful:

l Long lines are not broken in insert mode: When a line was
longer than 'textwidth' when the insert command started,
Vim does not automatically format it.

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