Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Re: Oracle 11g SQL + PL/SQL + SQL*Plus + RDBMS syntax support

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:22 AM, Szilard Barany <szitya@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, 27 August 2012 22:13:18 UTC+8, William Robertson wrote:
>> Now I check, I have updates for
>> sql.vim (maintainer David Fishburn <fishburn at ianywhere dot com>)
>> sqloracle.vim (maintainer Paul Moore <pf_moore AT yahoo.co.uk>)
>> plsql.vim (maintainer Jeff Lanzarotta <jefflanzarotta at yahoo dot com>)
> Well, since the files haven't been updated for a decade or so, I am not sure if these people still consider (or can consider) themselves as maintainers. Actually, _I_ would like to be a maintainer (or one of them).
> Nonetheless, I will try to contact them.

Not _all_ those files are stale.

Mine, ftplugin/sql.vim, was updated in May 2012.

syntax/sql.vim was last updated in 2005, but is a wrapper which will
source the appropriate SQL dialect for the RDBMS you use. So it will
source sqloracle.vim, sqlanywhere.vim (mine Jan 2012), mysql.vim and
so on.

This defaults to Oracle, though anyone can override that behaviour
through their .vimrc as described in:
:help ft_sql.txt

Specifically, :h sql-type-default, shows you can do the following:
let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlanywhere'
let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlinformix'
let g:sql_type_default = 'mysql'

Or, if you want a temporary change while editing a file you can do the
:SQLSetType sqloracle
:SQLSetType sqlanywhere
:SQLSetType sqlinformix
:SQLSetType mysql

Please do contact Jeff Lanzarotta and Paul Moore. Most maintainers,
unless active, would be happy to pass along the responsibility.

Szilard, I see your comments about merging syntax/sqloracle.vim and
syntax/plsql.vim, this sounds like a good idea.

If you guys would like to take some of this offline (or leave on list,
that is fine) we can discuss the basic setup of the SQL support in

David Fishburn

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