On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 5:35 AM, William Robertson
<william@williamrobertson.net> wrote:
> In my setup I have an edited sql.vim and plsql.vim - although I could never get the autocompletion feature working so I had to comment some stuff out, and that makes me feel unqualified to volunteer as a maintainer.
Did you edit these files in place or copy them to your .vim (vimfiles
- windows) directory _first_ and then modified them?
Can you be specific on what you commented out and why?
Were you getting errors?
If so, of course, what were they? And what were you doing when you got them?
As I pointed out in a different response, what SQL dialect are you
using? Oracle too, I assume.
Will show this information when you are editing a SQL file.
> I also simplified the highlighting so there is only one kind of "keyword", to remove the jumble you get where SELECT and AND etc all come out different colours (pink and green or whatever the default is). Also I have a colours file that's a bit more muted and 21st century IMHO than the supplied set.
Typically, "SELECT" is a "sqlStatement" and an "AND" is a
"sqlOperator". A sqlStatement begins a statement, and operators are
You can see the linkage in your syntax/sqloracle.vim file here:
HiLink sqlOperator Operator
HiLink sqlStatement Statement
There is no reason why you can't change your colour file to indicate
both of those should be highlighted the same colour.
In my colorscheme file I have the following two lines:
hi Operator term=bold ctermfg=Yellow guifg=#ffff00 gui=NONE
hi Statement term=bold ctermfg=Yellow guifg=#ffff00 gui=NONE
So, they are coloured the same way.
> How do I get involved?
Depends on whether the existing maintainers want to continue to maintain.
They could make changes based on your request and their own ideas.
Or if they are too busy and you are willing you can take over as the
maintainer agreed upon by Bram.
There is certainly a lot of help on the vim_use forum to get you
through the learning curves.
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