Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Re: Oracle 11g SQL + PL/SQL + SQL*Plus + RDBMS syntax support

On Wednesday, 29 August 2012 11:35:15 UTC+8, 葛布林 wrote:
> Hi, where can I get your script? I write PLSQL in Vim every day. I am willing to try your script instead.


I do not think that the script is in a state that I can start sending it out. It works perfectly for me, but it is not yet fully integrated with vim functionality (e.g. I am not sure if it works perfectly with the SQL type selection by David).
So, I would like to make sure that is is not just a hack, but a proper component of vim before making it available.
But do not worry, I am trying to finalize it as soon as possible.



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