Sunday, September 30, 2012

Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

* <> [2012-09-30 15:39]:
> it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...

oh my... here we go again...

> I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if
> I had to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...
> I would take the time as measure for the x-axis
> and the amount of stuff I have learned about --
> for example -- vim as a measure for the y-axis..

it's been done:

btw - the steepness of those curves all depend on what you think
a newbie should learn - and the time you'll give him for it. ;-)


what you should know about vi and vim:
(1) repeat with dot (2) number prefix
(3) command combinations (4) filter
(5) :g (global) and :s (substitute) commands
(6) undo+redo (7) visual mode and operators

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