Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pathogen breaks my python syntax highlighting for some reason.

Here is my .vimrc file:

1 call pathogen#infect()
2 call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
3 syntax on
4 filetype plugin indent on
5 set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
6 set nocompatible
7 filetype off
8 filetype plugin indent on
9 syntax on
10 call vundle#rc()
11 let g:EclimNailgunclient = 'external'
12 set history=700
13 set autoread
14 set so=7
15 set wildmenu
16 set ruler
17 set tabstop=2
18 set cmdheight=2
19 set hid
20 set backspace=eol,start,indent
21 set ignorecase
22 set smartcase
23 set nobackup
24 set nowb
25 set noswapfile
26 set expandtab
27 set shiftwidth=2
28 set number
29 set guifont=Menlo:h16
30 set linebreak
31 set wildmode=longest:full
32 set noerrorbells
33 set more
34 au FileType * setl fo-=cro "disable autocomment"
35 if has("gui_macvim")
36 let macvim_hig_shift_movement = 1
37 syntax on
38 set hlsearch
39 colorscheme slate
40 set ruler
41 set tabstop=2
42 set guifont=Menlo:h16
43 set noerrorbells
44 endif

and here are the bundles and .vim/bundle files:
[jean-marcelbelmont@Jean-Marcel-Belmonts-MacBook-Pro]~/.vim 630 % ls bundle
AutoComplPop PHP-correct-Indenting html_FileCompletion
CRefVim PyInteractive javacomplete
Cpp-code-template-generator Python-3.x-Standard-Library-Reference
Cppcheck-compiler Python-Syntax matchparenpp
FuzzyFinder SQLComplete.vim mathematic.vim
JavaBrowser SQLUtilities php.vim
JavaDecompiler.vim php_check_syntax.vim
JavaKit c.vim phpcomplete.vim
JavaScript-Indent checksyntax project.tar.gz
Javascript-Indentation clang python.vim
Javascript-OmniCompletion-with-YUI-and-j clang-complete stackoverflow.vim
L9 compiler.tar.gz surround.vim
Match-Bracket-for-Objective-C compilergfortran.vim vcscommand.vim
Mathematica-Syntax-File compilerjsl.vim vtreeexplorer
NERD_Tree-and-ack compilerpython.vim vundle
OmniCppComplete cpp.vim
PDV--phpDocumentor-for-Vim css.vim

Python 3.2 syntax highlighting is not working right.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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