Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: Re[2]: auto ctrl-P in Vim

> On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:47:47 AM UTC-6, Alexander Mak wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My desire is to make vim automatically open complection menu ( like when I
>> hit ctrl-P ) after I've inserted 3d symbol in the word. I've tried to search
>> plugins or scripts, but didn't find anything simple/convinient yet.
>> I'm not familiar with writing vim plugins or scripts, so I can't imagine
>> how to do it by myself. Can you help me and point out if there is anything
>> already developed? Or what should I add to my vim settings?

You might also want to look at this one then:

" autocomplpop.vim : Automatically open the popup menu for completion
" Author: Takeshi NISHIDA


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