Monday, October 8, 2012

Re: snipMate not working

On 2012-10-08, Mashan wrote:
> Thanks Gary / Marc / Charles
> Turns out putting "set nocompatible" into the .vimrc file did the
> trick (Thanks Marc)

I'm glad that problem has been fixed, but I would be wary of that
solution for two reasons. First, it shouldn't be necessary. As
":help 'compatible' explains,

When a |vimrc| or |gvimrc| file is found while Vim is
starting up, this option is switched off, and all options
that have not been modified will be set to the Vim defaults.

So, 'nocompatible' should already have been set by the time your
~/.vimrc was read.

Secondly, again from ":help 'compatible',

This is a special kind of option, because when it's set or
reset, other options are also changed as a side effect.
CAREFUL: Setting or resetting this option can have a lot of
unexpected effects: Mappings are interpreted in another way,
undo behaves differently, etc. If you set this option in
your vimrc file, you should probably put it at the very

By putting "set nocompatible" into your ~/.vimrc where you did,
you've thrown a monkey wrench into your initialization process.
While it did have the effect of fixing this problem, it may well
have caused other problems that you haven't discovered yet.

Since: a) this fixes this problem; b) hasn't had any bad
side-effects yet; and c) I don't know what the real solution is; I'd
leave your ~/.vimrc as-is. Just be aware that this is a flaky
solution, may cause other problems, and removing it should be one of
the first things you do if you have problems in the future.

> This worked on it's own without any of the "filetype" settings,
> though as you'll see below I put them in anyway as I had heard
> they were important (possible for other reasons ?)

The ":filetype ident plugin on" and ":syntax on" commands were
already executed in your /usr/share/vim/vimrc file. That's why you
didn't need to set them in your ~/.vimrc file. That can be seen in
the output of :scriptnames that you posted earlier.

> Thanks again for everyone's help
> Much appreciated
> contents of .vimrc file :
> set ts=4
> set ai
> set shiftwidth=4
> syn on
> set mouse=a
> au BufRead,BufNewFile jquery.*.js set ft=javascript syntax=jquery
> color evening
> filetype on
> set tabpagemax=25
> set smartindent
> set showmatch
> set vb t_vb=
> set ruler
> set incsearch
> set nocompatible
> au BufRead,BufNewFile *.php set ft=php.html
> filetype plugin on
> filetype indent plugin on | syn on


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