Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: :source command

On 10/30/2012 09:26 AM, Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
> On 12:42 Tue 30 Oct , Adolfo Olivera wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Would somebody explain me essentially what is the :source command used
>> for and how.
>> --
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> Hi,
> There is :source command and :runtime command, which are similar.
> :source {file}
> executes commands written in a {file} The {file} is usually a VimL
> script (plugin, filetype plugin, color scheme, indent file, etc). It
> may contain any ex-commands, and VimL declarations.
> :runtime {file}
> does the same but the {file} is search in 'runtimepath'.

Probably inspired by the source or dot command found in most Unix shells.

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