Monday, October 29, 2012

Re: Strange behavior using caret or backtick

Sorry for opening another thread. After having been away for a week, I was not aware of having posted this before (also had not found it in a "quick" search). I think, the thread should continue here.


yes, I'm using the German keyboard using "^" as a combining key. The exact order of input is a given below ("..." denotes input, initially the cursor is on the second "a" in normal mode):

gvim -N -u NONE -i NONE -U NONE

a[a]aa -> "a"
aa[]aa -> "<spc>^<spc>"
aa []aa -> "<esc>"
aa[ ]aa -> (ga shows 0x20), "s"
[]a aa -> (first a elimiated; an "$" is only shown with .vimrc), "123"
123[]a aa -> "<esc>"
12[3]a aa

GVim behaves correctly in version 7.3.046 as downloadable from the homepage:

a[a]aa -> "a"
aa[]aa -> "<spc>^<spc>"
aa ^[]aa -> "<esc>"
aa [^]aa -> (ga shows 0x5E), "s"
aa []aa -> "123"
aa 123[]aa -> "<esc>"
aa 12[3]aa

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