Monday, October 29, 2012

Re: Strange behavior using caret or backtick

On Monday, October 29, 2012 10:58:34 AM UTC-5, Axel Bender wrote:
> I'm using the German keyboard using "^" as a combining key. The exact order of input is a given below ("..." denotes input, initially the cursor is on the second "a" in normal mode):
> gvim -N -u NONE -i NONE -U NONE
> a[a]aa -> "a"
> aa[]aa -> "<spc>^<spc>"
> aa []aa -> "<esc>"
> aa[ ]aa -> (ga shows 0x20), "s"
> []a aa -> (first a elimiated; an "$" is only shown with .vimrc), "123"
> 123[]a aa -> "<esc>"
> 12[3]a aa
> GVim behaves correctly in version 7.3.046 as downloadable from the homepage:
> a[a]aa -> "a"
> aa[]aa -> "<spc>^<spc>"
> aa ^[]aa -> "<esc>"
> aa [^]aa -> (ga shows 0x5E), "s"
> aa []aa -> "123"
> aa 123[]aa -> "<esc>"
> aa 12[3]aa
> Can provide binary and/or video.

OK, I think I understand now. Is the following correct?

You pressed a key which does nothing by itself, but rather combines with the next key to yield either an accented letter, or a literal '^' character depending on which key follows. You then pressed the "space" key, expecting Vim to enter a single '^' character. Instead, Vim inserted nothing at all.

Furthermore, when you typed 's' after this operation, with the cursor on a character in the middle of the line, you expected Vim to delete that character and enter insert mode. Vim instead jumped to the beginning of the line and deleted the character there, entering insert mode at that point.

If this is correct, I do not have a keyboard that can provide Vim the required input, nor am I familiar with a mapping that will provide this capability, so I'm afraid I cannot be of much further use besides:

Have you checked that a plugin or .vimrc setting is not causing this, by launching Vim from a command-line with "gvim -N -u NONE -U NONE -i NONE"?

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