Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: Strange issue with Pathogen

On 31/10/12 14:47, Some Developer wrote:
> I'm having a strange issue with Pathogen. I'm trying to keep my Vim
> configuration and plugins organised as I need to use it on several
> computers so I decided to create a git repo for it.
> The following is my .vim folder structure:
> autoload
> bundle
> vimrc_config
> When I symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc_config Pathogen does not load
> any plugins at all. When I copy ~/.vim/vimrc_config to ~/.vimrc on the
> other hand it works perfectly.
> It would be nice if I could fix this issue as that would make it nice
> and easy to distribute the full config in the Git repo and I would only
> need to maintain one copy of the file. Since I need to copy the file to
> make it work if I want to make a change to the file I need to change
> both which is highly annoying and is error prone.
> Does anyone have any ideas at all?

Symlinks are a relatively new feature on Windows (compared to Unix-like
OSes where it existed since antiquity) so maybe Vim for Windows doesn't
know how to follow symlinks, or to make sure that they are followed.

Ben's "source" approach is the most portable, and for Vim, that's a
great plus.

Hardlinks (which are totally transparent to the application) would work
too, but unlike symlinks (and the :source statement) they can't cross
filesystem (i.e. disk partition) boundaries.

Best regards,
ARTHUR: No. Ni! More like this. "Ni"!
BEDEVERE: Ni, ni, ni!
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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