Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: What do I need to read to understand g: and s: VIM variable prefixes?

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> On 10/31/12 06:05, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>>> Yes, and in addition, if you don't use a scope prefix Vim
>>> implies l: if you're inside a function and g: otherwise.
>>> See :help internal-variables
>> Thank you, that is not consistent with other programming
>> environments that I am familiar with. Very good to know!
> Python happens to work this way:
> x = 42
> def foo():
> x = 32
> return x
> print foo()
> print x
> prints 32 followed by 42 (the x remains local to the function).

Right, this is how most C-based languages work. I don't know if Python
is C-based (I think so), but this is what I expect. What I don't
expect is that x would be recognized inside the foo() declaration if
it was only defined outside, as Tony mentions is the case with VIM.
Let's try:

>>> x = 42
>>> print x
>>> def foo():
... print x
>>> print x
>>> foo()

Wow! This would be at minimum a compiler warning at at worse a huge
security flaw in other languages. I happen to have PHP handy:

php > $x = 42;
php > echo $x . PHP_EOL;
php > function foo() {
php { echo $x . PHP_EOL;
php { return true;
php { }
php > echo $x . PHP_EOL;
php > foo();
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: x in php shell code on line 2

The variable $x was not declared in foo(), and is not valid there.
Now, to check my suspicions:

- neptune:c$ cat scopeTest.c
#include <stdio.h>
int foo();

int main() {
int x = 42;
printf("%d", x);
return 0;

int foo() {
printf("%d", x);
- neptune:c$ gcc scopeTest.c
scopeTest.c: In function 'foo':
scopeTest.c:15:15: error: 'x' undeclared (first use in this function)
scopeTest.c:15:15: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only
once for each function it appears in
- neptune:c$

Nope, C won't allow it either.

In both PHP and C there are ways to explicitly make x global, but it
is not implicit.

> I've noticed little bits of Python show up in VimScript--such as
> array slicing, negative-indexing, and first-class(ish) functions.
> Not that I mind, as Python is my preferred language. :-)
> There may be others where this scope is the same (pascal comes to mind)

I've actually never touched Pascal, nor Cobol or Fortran for that matter.

Thank you for the information regarding Python. I do dabble in Python
occasionally, and things like this I should know. I love Python, but
VIM is ill-equipped to handle bracketless languages out of the box!

Dotan Cohen

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