Sunday, October 28, 2012

Re: Write/Print PHP localhost results to file

> In addition to Ben's suggestions, if you have "lynx" installed, you
> can use the "-dump" option to send the results to a file:
> lynx -dump http://localhost/path
> lynx -dump http://localhost/path > output.txt
> I use it on a regular basis. If you want the returned HTML instead
> of formatted as text, you can use "wget" or "curl" to return the
> results instead.
> -tim

Thanks Tim, this looks like a solution.

I have downloaded lynx2-8-7 but don't know how to start it under Win Xp. Can you help please?

I would like to have a HTML file with results (not the source code). So how should a line in lynx, wget or curl look like then?

Thank you once again!


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