Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Strange issue with Pathogen

I'm having a strange issue with Pathogen. I'm trying to keep my Vim
configuration and plugins organised as I need to use it on several
computers so I decided to create a git repo for it.

The following is my .vim folder structure:


When I symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc_config Pathogen does not load
any plugins at all. When I copy ~/.vim/vimrc_config to ~/.vimrc on the
other hand it works perfectly.

It would be nice if I could fix this issue as that would make it nice
and easy to distribute the full config in the Git repo and I would only
need to maintain one copy of the file. Since I need to copy the file to
make it work if I want to make a change to the file I need to change
both which is highly annoying and is error prone.

Does anyone have any ideas at all?

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