I'm a big fan of tmux's window management - it seems a lot more
intuitive than vim's, which has never quite clicked with me and I'm
not sure why.
Tmux resizes as if you were pushing/pulling at the border of the
current window in the direction that you're trying to resize, via the
hjkl keys. So if I have two windows stacked on top of each other, and
the top pane has focus, hitting <C-b>j pushes the split downwards,
growing the top window & shrinking the bottom. If the bottom pane had
focus, <C-b>j would pull the split downwards, resulting in the same
By contrast, in vim, <C-w>+ increases the height of the current
window. Which I can see the logic of, but the key locations (+/- vs
</> for the vertical/horizontal resizing) frustrate me, and if you
just remap it to hjkl then it feels like it ought to be using the same
resize behaviour as tmux.
Other niceties from tmux are that you can press <C-b>jjjjj to carry on
resizing, whereas in vim you'd have to use
<C-w>+<C-w>+<C-w>+<C-w>+<C-w>+. I'd also love to have something like
<C-b>spacebar which cycles through a series of preset layouts
(vertical split with a small sidebar, equal horizontal split, etc
Are there any plugins that tackle something like this? Or any
suggestions on learning to cope?
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