Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Re: autocmd pattern exclusion?

On Nov 28, 2012, at 2:22 PM, Andy Wokula wrote:

> Am 28.11.2012 17:31, schrieb Matt Martini:
>> I have an autocmd that I would like to trigger for all files, except a
>> certain file. Is there a way to write this?
>> I'm thinking something like:
>> autocmd BufReadPost *, !.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG <do stuff>
> There is a way:
> :h autocmd-patterns
> and a few lines below:
> :h file-pattern
> It is allowed to intermix regexp patterns:
> :autocmd BufReadPost *\(.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG\)\@<! <do stuff>
> Hints:
> - items starting with `\' are used like in regexp patterns
> - the item to match any character is `?', even within `\(...\)'; the
> dot `.' matches `.' literally here
> - I had to use `\(', because `\%(' gave me an error message
> E55: Unmatched \)
> No warranty, HTH,
> Andy

Worked like a charm, thanks!

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