Thursday, November 29, 2012

Re: email plugin

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, ping wrote:

> On 11/29/2012 06:20 PM, Michael Hernandez wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Rostislav Svoboda
>> <> wrote:
>>> Is there any good email plugin you can recommend me guys? It seems
>>> like there isn't any star plugin for handling emails in vim, in fact
>>> google search doesn't return many useful links to this topic. So, I'd
>>> like to hear your tips & comments before I plunge in an evaluation of
>>> the existing plugins. Thanx in advance
>>> Bost
>> There's a little plugin called Mutt you might try ;)
>> --Mike H
> that sucks, like most open-source projects, very nice idea plus great apps,
> but never good docs/tuturials..(except vim)
> I wanted to start a project to move to mutt after I enjoyed the power of vim.
> but after hesitate of hesitate I still is hesitating.
> initially you want to save your time by using some fancy tools, then you have
> to spend the rest of your life to learn (mostly guess, test, error and retry,
> little by little) that tiny little thing , just in order to "save your
> time". Sometime I'm thinking whether this worth or not...
> as of vim, my enthusiasm was mostly "retained" because of the enthusiasm of
> peoples (like you guys here) who is always willing to share/help...
> regards
> ping

I agree with what you're saying. I tried Mutt (which took me about a week to
set up), then tried Cone (which had problems sending) and i switched to Alpine
and haven't looked back.

Some things in alpine i think are a bit old fashioned BUT all well tried and
tested... and a friendly bunch of maillist folk to help in the unlikely event
of getting stuck with the very helpful documentation. Each new release and all
i do is copy across my pinerc file to /home. Vim is popular as the editor
although pico is fine for emails.


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