Friday, November 30, 2012

Re: email plugin

this works great. thanks for sharing.

now a even "nerd" request, (not related to this thread, but since a lot
of people here are both TB&VIM user ):
    with VIM we know how to generate beautiful HTML right (e.g :TOhtml),
    so is there a good way to insert the VIM generated HTML code into
    the email?

    I know there is a "Insert" "HTML..." dialog, but it's really not
    convenient...need to find that option out and do copy & paste..

    the goal is to make what VIM generated email in the fancy HTML
    format usable in TB...
    or any other plugins?

b.t.w this reply was composed from vim in TB :)

On 11/30/2012 11:01 AM, Reid Thompson wrote:
> go here
> click on the download tab at the top
> select external editor
> download version 1.0.0
> install it using the tbird addons page
> restart
> go to the addons page and select the preferences button for external
> editor
> in the field, type
> gvim -f
> click ok
> click write to open an new composer window
> click on view/toolbars/customize
> drag the external editor button on to the toolbar
> click the 'Gvim' button
> compose
> :wq

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