Thursday, November 29, 2012

Re: email plugin

On 11/29/2012 06:20 PM, Michael Hernandez wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Rostislav Svoboda <> wrote:
>> Is there any good email plugin you can recommend me guys? It seems
>> like there isn't any star plugin for handling emails in vim, in fact
>> google search doesn't return many useful links to this topic. So, I'd
>> like to hear your tips & comments before I plunge in an evaluation of
>> the existing plugins. Thanx in advance
>> Bost
> There's a little plugin called Mutt you might try ;)
> --Mike H
that sucks, like most open-source projects, very nice idea plus great
apps, but never good docs/tuturials..(except vim)
I wanted to start a project to move to mutt after I enjoyed the power of
vim. but after hesitate of hesitate I still is hesitating.
initially you want to save your time by using some fancy tools, then you
have to spend the rest of your life to learn (mostly guess, test, error
and retry, little by little) that tiny little thing , just in order to
"save your time". Sometime I'm thinking whether this worth or not...
as of vim, my enthusiasm was mostly "retained" because of the enthusiasm
of peoples (like you guys here) who is always willing to share/help...


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