I have a map I use that inserts a timestamp in the form of
__TS:1356990559|Dec 31, 2012 14:49__
The dual nature allows me to visually parse the date, and process my entries easily with a program that parses the file.
I'm trying to conceal the TS:...| part to make it visually more pleasing. Basically, eye-candy. But I am not succeeding at all.
This is what I have (if you want the context, see it here: http://goo.gl/EDZ3q )
if has( 'conceal' )
" How can I use variables for the patterns?
"syntax region myTimeStamp start="__TS:" end="\|" oneline conceal cchar=_
syntax region myTimeStamp start="__TS:" end="\|"
"highlight link myTimeStamp Conceal
highlight myTimeStamp ctermfg=red ctermbg=blue
set conceallevel=2
Obviously, I'm misunderstanding syntax highlighting in general, because the region isn't being highlighted, let aloned concealed (when uncommented).
What am I doing wrong?
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