Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Re: Capture output of command line completion in script

Hi ZyX!

On Mi, 26 Dez 2012, ZyX wrote:

> > Right. But shouldn't :redir also be useable to capture all available
> > completions? We can still think about adding another completion
> > vimscript function for returning all matches.
> There is already a workaround:
> . Why do we need :redir? If a function for capturing completions is added :redir support becomes more pointless then now when workaround exists.
> I would really like a function anywhere I have to use :redir now and purge out :redir from my and others' people code: parsing back data that was structured and could be output as a complex structure instead of text by some function is already bad. But with "no nested redirections" rule you never know when you will have a problem with :redir and encouraging people to use it by adding support for this is just bad.
> Completion scripts may and some in fact *will* use :redir: I see no other way to get the list of functions and thus had to use this workaround. Using :redir to capture completion variants may result in these functions being broken and *will* result in the outer function requesting completion variants being broken.

This just looks like another ugly workaround, not better then using

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