On Monday, December 31, 2012 10:07:17 AM UTC-6, Rakesh UV wrote:
> Dear Vim users,
> while starting gvim.exe some plugin is throwing a message, there is line number or script name or error just a value 0 with a OK button :-).
> I have press OK button to continue, it was annoying, but now i am annoyed as well as very curious in understand a perfect method to debug such situation.
> I have a attached a image of the message, i am not sure if it will be any help, but would help in understanding the problem.
> Any enough would be enough
It looks like some plugin or another is using echomsg or echoerr before the GUI starts.
Try removing half your plugins. If the problem persists, remove half of the remainder. If the problem goes away, try again with the half you removed. Repeat until you find the offending plugin.
Then you can contact the plugin maintainer about the problem. In the meantime, look for an echomsg or echoerr command getting triggered during plugin load.
It might be worthwhile first trying with NO plugins via the --noplugin startup flag, to make sure it's not something you introduced in your own .vimrc.
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