Sunday, December 30, 2012

Re: Reload Buffer

Using $MYVIMRC is definitely a smart move. I'm not sure why the function has to be silent though. I'm also not sure why the autocmd is nested. Don't we only want it to call the function once?

The "!" after autocmd fixes the problem I was having though. Every time I :source vimrc, it re-added the autocmd, so when saved there were 2 autocmds doing the same thing, then 4, then 8, etc.

I love the key map to edit the vimrc, beautiful! The key map to sourcing the vimrc however leads to problems mentioned above, like when you remove a map or an autocmd. I think calling a function from a keymap is much more useful.

Also, I was wrong au! does not remove all autocommands, so using Gary's suggestion of putting them in groups I think is best (or using au! to define them). Also comclear is causing problems. Here's where I'm at within the function for the moment:
set all&
" comclear
set filetype=vim


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