Sunday, December 2, 2012

Re: Spam from

On 02/12/12 10:55, John Beckett wrote:
> This is an updated outline of the vim_use spam problem.
> Following some email exchanges, I am trying a few things to see
> if I can find a solution and may have more updates.
> The following uses "-at-" instead of "@" so the Google Groups
> web interface will not hide the email addresses.
> It appears that every user who emails a message to the vim_use
> mailing list receives a junk mail from a few hours
> later. Each individual can defeat that by flagging the mail as
> spam so it is not seen in the future. However, the problem
> should be fixed because it is confusing and irritating for each
> new poster.
> It looks like the following happened:
> 1. Someone subscribed to vim_use.
> 2. They set their email to forward messages to
> (where 'number' is a valid mobile phone
> number in China).
> 3. They stopped using the mobile number (around July 2012?).
> 4. Another person was issued the number but (fortunately for
> them), they have not activated the number to receive email.
> When a user emails a message to vim_use, Google Groups delivers
> that message to each member with the following in the header:
> From: Username <>
> Reply-To:
> The mail system should use the "Reply-To" address,
> however they reply to the "From:" address to alert the sender
> that the recipient has not activated their email.
> This problem started around 9 July 2012.
> John
In my gmail "spam" folder I indeed notice messages in Chinese sent by
"admin", and at mouseover that sendername expands to
Only a drop in the sea of spam I get from other sources.

Can I do anything to help you? Do you want one or more such emails sent
forward-as-attachment so you could have a look at the "Received" lines
in the headers? (I suppose you get enough of them yourself though).

Best regards,
Arthur pulls Pin out. The MONK blesses the grenade as ...
ARTHUR: (quietly) One, two, five ...
GALAHAD: Three, sir!
ARTHUR: Three.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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