Friday, December 28, 2012

Re: spam

On 27/12/12 10:58, John Beckett wrote:
> The message (no subject) that I am replying to consisted of a
> single line which was a link to some website. It was almost
> certainly spam, and possibly malware, and almost certainly was
> spoofed (that is, the sender was NOT Tony).
> I have deleted the message from the Google Groups archive (but
> it will be archived in many other places), and am replying
> simply to alert people that we know it's spam, and all we can do
> is wait until Google adjusts their system to reject future
> attacks. Google has been MUCH better at rejecting spam in the
> last couple of months (managers see a greatly reduced level of
> spam attempts reaching the queue of messages needing approval to
> be posted, and we haven't had any spoofed spam for a long time).
> John

It could have been a symptom of a successful hacking of my gmail
account. I found a message with some To: and Bcc: adresses which are
part of my address book, but dated from a time (27 December between 8
and 9 AM) when I wasn't at the computer. I have now changed my password,
and I hope the intruding application (which Google had already partly
"blocked") will now be stymied.

Best regards,
ROBIN: (warily) And if you get a question wrong?
ARTHUR: You are cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.
ROBIN: Oh ... wacho!
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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