Monday, December 31, 2012

Re: Vim on the iPad

On Dec 31, 2012, at 8:35 AM, Eric Weir <> wrote:

> Couple of questions: Do Android tablets have a file system? [Or is that what would be provided by Jeroen's third option, installing a Debian kit?] Is iOS still a version of Uniix?

From Wikipedia: "iOS is derived from OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and is therefore a Unix operating system." So to the iOS question: Yes. And you can get at a lot of the underlying Unix OS if you're OK with jailbreaking — but there are plenty of power user types that decide to not do that, and it probably would require a bit of hacker-type setup to be able to comfortably use Vim on a jailbroken iPad with files etc. managed by hand through the filesystem.

Be warned that I have never used an Android device. :} However from what I have read it seems that although there is no native Android file browser, there are multiple choices from third parties for this (the most popular or well-known seems to be Astro — And there are also nice terminal emulators in Google Play (for Android). So in an Android tablet it looks like you would have the filesystem issue taken care of, and it would only remain to be seen if the native vim included in whatever Android variant you ended up using would be usable enough for the type of writing that you do.

If you do decide to go with an Android device, this article could perhaps be useful:


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