I encounter the same problem.
At 2012-12-21 03:23:10,analogsix <adiles@gmail.com> wrote:
>result of running that command is:
>You hit the nail on the head. Namely, when the buffer(s) are first loaded onto gVIM, the filetype(s) aren't recognized (as we can see the 'filetype' option is set to blank).
>As a quick fix to get gVIM to properly load and recognize my *.sv files, I've entered the following in my .gvimrc file:
>au BufNewFile,BufRead *sv,*svi setf verilog
>Now when I load new or toggle existing buffers, syntax coloring works fine.
>Going back to the stated problem. How do I explain how the file1.sv syntax was correctly identified and syntax-colored by VIM when initially loaded? Well, my own answer comes from something I recall reading the help file from ":help syntax". I read somewhere in that {m,h}aze of a help file, that during the syntax-loading procedure, if VIM fails at loading syntax settings via its conventional syntax-loading procedure, it scans the file to identify what syntax settings to apply. I guess this VIM feature only works on `loading` ONE new file from the command-line or gVIM, and not on loading multiple new buffers (from the command-line) nor on toggling VIM window views between non-active buffers.
>I'm still trying to figure out the details so that I can correctly co-integrate a custom systemverilog.vim syntax file into my .gvimrc. Note that somewhere in the ':help syntax' help file, it states that it's possible to subsume a subset syntax into a superset syntax file (e.g. :source c.vim can be included in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/cpp.vim)
>To be Continued once I piece together some of the :help file info and view some examples.
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