Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vim on the iPad

I'm likely to purchase an iPad soon and I'm wondering if there have been any developments since the discussion here back in September. <> At that time absence of the escape and control keys, lack of a file system, and getting files to and from the iPad were the main obstacles. 

There were work-arounds for most of them, but most of them, especially those addressing the lack of a file system, were complicated and over-the-head of this non-techie user. But that was true of Vim itself when I first contemplated giving it a try, and now whether there's a way to get it working on an iPad is a consideration in thinking about purchasing an iPad. 

So I thought I'd check to see if the situation has changed since September.  

Eric Weir

"The invincible shield of caring
Is a weapon sent from the sky 
against being dead." 

- Tao Te Ching 67

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