Friday, January 25, 2013

Re: Mapping for switching windows

On 2013-01-25 19:57, Adolfo Olivera wrote:
> Does anyone have some examples on mappings to switch windows
> faster *CTRL-W, h and CTRL-W, l* ?

When I use win32 gvim I use:

:map <Alt+h> <C-W>h
:map <Alt+j> <C-W>j
:map <Alt+k> <C-W>k
:map <Alt+l> <C-W>l
:map <Alt+i> gT
:map <Alt+o> gt

I also have alt+shift versions of each of those for moving windows and
tabs rather than just focusing them. I also use the tab key to cycle
through windows a lot, but this works best with only a couple splits.

:map <Tab> <C-W><C-W>

When I use Linux, I have a real window manager and a real shell and
those sorts of things, which means I don't need Vim's tabs and windows
nearly as much as I do using win32.

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