Saturday, January 26, 2013

Re: Remove delay during map execution

On Saturday, January 26, 2013 6:56:49 PM UTC-6, Roy Fulbright wrote:
> I have the following map which inserts a space and escapes back to normal mode. How can I remove the delay associated with it when I execute it? I want it to run immediately when I press the comma key in normal mode, but there is a delay (to determine if this is a leader character, I think). For this mapping I do not want any delay. I have search through help for a setting that will remove the delay but have found nothing.
> nnoremap , i <ESC>

You must have other mappings which start with ','. What you're asking, then, is for Vim to read your mind and execute the mapping immediately when you want it to execute this mapping, but read your mind and wait for the next keypress when you want to invoke your other mappings.

Vim's mind-reader plugin isn't ready yet, sorry to say.

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