Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Re: "shift+%" not working in newtab

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:57:11 AM UTC-6, ali jaan wrote:
> I added some commands in .vimrc
> source ~/vimfiles/matchit.vim
> let b:match_words =
> '\<begin\>:\<end\>,'.'\<class\>:\<endclass\>,'.'\<task\>:\<endtask\>,'.'\<case\>:\<endcase\>'
> If the cursor is at "begin" and "shift+%" will go to "end" of the statement.
> If i opened another file in newtab or "sp <filename> " . "Shift+%" is not
> working.(Working only in the first file) And also 'syntax highlighting; is
> also not working .
> Anything i have to add in .vimrc file

b:match_words is a buffer-local variable, as indicated by the b: prefix.

If you want to set b:match_words on every file of a given filetype, you want to use a FileType autocmd or a custom ftplugin or after/ftplugin file.

:help internal-variables
(or :help b:var)
:help :autocmd
:help filetype

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