Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Re: Windows ALT characters

On 30/01/13 02:53, John McGlynn wrote:
> Hi Vim,
> I have a load of csv files in which some rows have an arrow at the end.
> The arrow seems to have been made using Windows ALT 26.
> It shows up in Vim as ^Z^M.
> Can anyone tell me how to remove these pesky objects?
> Thanks,
> John

You already got several replies about how to remove them.

Those Ctrl-Z characters are a leftover from DOS "ASCII" mode, where they
signaled end-of-file. When reading a file, DOS used to disregard the
Ctrl-Z and everything after it. This peculiarity was used when typing in
a file at the console (to be read via a < redirection): the user typed
Ctrl-Z to signal the end of data and come back to the command prompt.

The Ctrl-M is a carriage return, which may have been added by some
program unaware of the special meaning of the Ctrl-Z.

Best regards,
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out
twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
-- H. L. Mencken

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