Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Re: Always restore buffer list from .viminfo file

Hello Emmanuel,

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 11:01:10AM +0100, Emmanuel GALLOIS wrote:
> On 20/02/13 10:26, Arvid Warnecke wrote:
> >is there any chance to recover all opened buffers in vim from the
> >~/.viminfo file somehow?
> >I understood that vim trashes the buffers list when vim is started with
> >a specific file to edit. But as I use vim in mutt as my default editor
> >as well, I always loose my buffers because mutt opens it like this:
> >
> >`vim /tmp/mutt-archbookPro-1000-895-3021467551525290154`
> >
> Maybe :mksession is the right answer for you...
> :h mksession
> see point #7.
Thank you. This seems to be a solution, I will give it a try. The only
thing that might cause some trouble is that I will still have multiple
vim sessions, because mutt, crontab and others won't use the vim I
always have open for coding.


[ Arvid Warnecke ][ arvid (at) nostalgix (dot) org ]
[ IRC/OPN: "madhatter" ][ http://www.nostalgix.org ]
---[ ThreePiO was right: Let the Wookiee win. ]---

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