Thursday, February 28, 2013

Re: vim edit help

First, the explanation.  See the references that Ben Fritz already listed.

/Array<CR>:  Search for the text "Array".  Do not type <CR> literally:  it means hit Enter or Return.
ciw:  Change the word (text object).  You could also use cw or ce (change word or change to end)
dojox.collections.ArrayList:  This will be added to the buffer, since you are in Insert mode after ciw.
<Esc>:  Leave Insert mode.  Do not type it literally.

As for doing it 11 times, I would record a macro, starting before the search command and ending after the :s command.  Roughly, if I want to use the x register for the macro (qx)


(Note that I have yanked into the y register instead of typing the word "illness" literally.)  If all of the works, then you can repeat it with


:help recording

Benji Fisher

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:59 PM, vicky b <> wrote:
actuall i have to 11 such variables can you please help

var flightDelay = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlConfArlSupId","tvlConfArlcompaid","tvlRepeei","tvlPolRep");
var baggageDelay = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlProIr","tvlConfArlcompaid","tvlRepeei","tvlPolRep");
var baggageLoss = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlProIr","tvlListLost","tvlPolRep");
var tripCacel = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlConfArlcompaid","tvlRrepdsc","tvlPolRep");
var repariation = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlMdRp","tvlRee","tvldc","tvlPolRep","tvladrdc");
var accidentalDisablement = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlMdRp","tvlPolRep","tvladrdc");
var lossOfTravel = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlMhdr","tvlPolRep","tvladrdc");
var secureWallet= new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlMhdr","tvlPolRep","tvladrdc");
var others= new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlRrepdsc","tvlPolRep","tvladrdc");

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:25 AM, vicky b <> wrote:
Can you  please explain more on this section


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
On Thursday, February 28, 2013 12:33:23 PM UTC-6, vicky b wrote:
> HI All,
>  I have text in below format 
> var illness = new Array("tvlPlyCp","tvlPlcyCertID","tvlShdIt","tvlRepMedEi","tvlMdRp","tvlRrepdsc","tvlPolRep")
> i need to convert it 
> var illness = new dojox.collections.ArrayList();
> illness.add("tvlPlyCp");
> illness.add("tvlPlcyCertID")
> illness.add("tvlShdIt")
> illness.add("tvlRepMedEi")
> illness.add("tvlMdRp");
> illness.add("tvlRrepdsc");
> illness.add("tvlPolRep");
> Can anybody help me on this--
> Thanks & Regards
>  Vickyb

Here regular expressions are your friend.

I'd start by changing the "new" line to be correct:

Now paste the deleted list of initializers on a new line and put it in the right format:


All this is untested but it's pretty straightforward so you should be able to fix it.

Help topics so you know what you're doing:
:help text-objects
:help :s
:help /\0
:help /[
:help /\+
:help /\?
:help /\s

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Thanks & Regards

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