I have been using vim for many years now and I finally got around to
trying omni-completion, first with Python. Before this I have just had a
www browser open on the Python API docs or used pydoc. I am aware of the
super-extended versions of the standard completer like jedi-vim, but I
find the default completer sufficiently lightweight and fast.
I have a few gripes, that to a vim hacker may be trivial fixes(?):
1) If completion for C-x, C-o yields a single match, then no
documentation is shown. Why not? The docs are a nice touch and often I
know the name of the function, just not the parameters.
2) If you type a whole function name and press C-x, C-o then I get the
message: "-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found". Why not say
that there was a single match and show the docs?
3) After pressing C-x, C-o and continuing typing, the list of
suggestions disappears. Why not keep it there until a match is typed or
until there are no longer matches?
Are these easy fixes? I have had a look in pythoncompletion.vim in an
attempt to fix 1 and 2, but could not see where the documentation window
is opened.
Best Regards
Edd Barrett
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