Saturday, March 30, 2013

Re: Setting the TEXINPUTS and BIBINPUTS varibles for latex inside vim/gVim

Christoph Wiesmeyr wrote:
> Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately this does not solve the problem for me. After adding these environment variables to my vimrc they are accessible within gvim but when I start compiling they don't seem to be in the scope anymore. In fact more than that, when the variables are set on vim startup compilation does not even work in the console based vim, which used to work.
Setting environment variables from within an app affects that app and
its child apps. So, are you compiling from within vim? ie. do you
leave vim and then try latex, bibtex, etc?

Another way to say this: changing an environment variable from within
vim will not affect vim's parent environment. That's not a vim thing,
that's a generic feature.

C Campbell

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