Wednesday, April 24, 2013

E763: Word characters differ between spell files

I have this problem on two hosts, each running Linux, one is:

=$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise

the other:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy)
Release: 7.0
Codename: wheezy

All the commands I'll run and show are on ubuntu.

Installed these packages:

$ dpkg -l | grep vim
ii vim-common 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - Common files
ii vim-doc 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - HTML documentation
ii vim-gtk 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2
ii vim-gui-common 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
ii vim-runtime 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - Runtime files

In home dir, I have no customizations (for test user, for my normal user I have lots of things in .vimrc and .vim, but I wanted clean state for the test).

To test spell, I created test file (test.txt) with following content:

I bad-word good-word .
I zarzółć zażółć .
I comfuter computer .

So, I open the file with vim, and do:

:setlocal spelllang=pl,en_us
:set spell

After the second command I'm getting questions:

Shall I create /home/testvim/.vim/spell -=> Y
Cannot find spell file for "pl" in utf-8
Do you want me to try downloading it? -=> Y
In which directory do you want to write the file:
1. /home/testvim/.vim/spell -=> 1
Do you want me to try getting the .sug file? ... -=> 1

This fails, because there is no sug file for .pl, but regardless, I get:

Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim73/spell/en.utf-8.spl:
E763: Word characters differ between spell files

Interestingly - both dictionaries work, and only bad words are hilighted.

I know I can silence the alert in my own .vimrc, but it just doesn't seem sane.

What is wrong and how can it be fixed?

Pages I found on google suggested refetching spell files, but I didn't have any (at least in ~/.vim) for the test.

Is there any information I should provide to let someone diagnose and fix it?


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