Sunday, April 28, 2013


Re: plugin outlookvim: Using Gim on win7 service pack1 and Outlook2010

I get the following error:

"Outlook Vim: Could not replace new line characters in
procedure call or argument."

The above error occurs after clicking on the icon to run the macro. Vim
opens a buffer not attached to a file. It's as though the ICON was a link
to vim but does nothing else except vim also issues an error that states:

" outlook:cannot find file name

Note too that the user is not correctly identified in the file name and
there is no such user on the system, but the user name identified is the
correct name but truncated with and the case is changed, e.g., "HPOTT"
instead of hpotter(the actual user name). There is no such user on the
system with the name "HPOTT"

I doubt this is related, but I should add that I know nothing about vb
but figured out that I had to add PtrSafe to the declare statements to
make the macro run on a64 bit os, which is odd because I didn't have to
do this with another system with the same configurations on which
outlookvim runs perfectly. Before this, the macro would not even run.
I've compared the two systems and even tried copying the vb project file
from the working system to the other. But the same error occurs.


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