Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Re: how to search backwards for consecutive lines

On 24 April 2013, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> (resent, because the original message seems to got lost)
> Hi,
> suppose you have the following file:
> ,----
> | 1
> | 2foo
> | 3foo
> | 4foo
> | 5foo
> | 6
> | 7
> | 8
> `----
> If the cursor is on line 1, I can jump to the end of the "foo" block by
> using:
> /^\(foo\n\)\+/e
> Is there a similar way when searching backwards (e.g. the cursor is on
> line 8 and I want to jump to beginning of line 2)?
> ?^\(foo\n\)\+ unfortunately jumps to the beginning of line 5. Can I make
> Vim somehow behave consistent to the forwarding search?

This seems to work for your particular example, but I'm not sure it
is what you're looking for:



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