Monday, April 29, 2013

RE: Problems with MySQL server on script page (

Kristofer Rye wrote:
> Trying to view a script here:
> (
> And it yields a "Vim Online Error":
> script:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

Yes, I just noticed that when trying to check for spam.
Sourceforge (where is located) recently sent two emails
to developers saying that they were changing various things for
an exciting new system.

I see that has this message:

[29-Apr-2013] Sourceforge is currently experiencing sporadic
problems with their project database and web server. This
means news, scripts and tips are currently unavailable.
Thank you for your patience. (Scott Johnston)
Another way to get to the scripts is through git on github.

I believe Scott set the system up, so I'm very glad to see he is
still around, and will presumably do whatever is needed when
Sourceforge has settled down.

OTOH I hope that's not some automated message that displays
(with the current date) when the database can't be accessed!


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