Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to deal with multiple compiler error formats, possibly from a single make invocation?

Hi, using node, mocha, and jshint, when I run my unit tests with make,
I can get output from any of the above. All with different error
formats. Note that I can run lint seperate from mocha, but mocha is a
test runner, it WILL have node error stacks in its output, and I want
to be able to :cn through them.

I can see how I might combine all their error formats by hand into one
massive "javascript" error format, by cutting and pasting, but I don't
see how I could do this in anything like a nice way.

I'd like something like:

compiler jshint
compiler +node
compiler +mocha

Baring that, is there some way I could map \\ to make, \j to [set
makeprg=npm run lint, \\], \n to [set makeprg=node %, \\], etc...

Suggestions, please?

The errformats lying around the web for the above are all poorly
constructed, instead of being constructed as a compiler, they are
hard-coded into javascript.vim file types, often with the authors
idiosyncratic makeprg preferences, as well, so I'm reconstructing them
as compiler definitions. :-(

If anybody has a decent vim setup for node.js development, I'd love to
hear about it.


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