Thursday, May 2, 2013

Re: Does vim support markdown?

On May 1, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Chris Schneider wrote:

VimWiki uses its own syntax by default, but there's an option to make it use markdown instead.

All that does is to change the highlighting while you're in vimwiki land.

I use markdown syntax in vimwiki. 

Separately, vim has a syntax file that maps to .markdown files as well.

Is that an option that's selected when vim is compiled, or is it standard regardless of the vim flavor?

In any case, vim itself does not render markdown files to html by itself. Vimwiki has a helper to do that, but I bet it just shells out when needed to a 'real' markdown parser.

Thanks, Chris,

My understanding is getting a little clearer. My primary use of markdown in vimwiki is to get folding on markdown headers. I have multimarkdown installed on my system, and understand that if were going to compile a markdown file I would need to use it. It would be to LaTeX rather than html, though.

Eric Weir

"You will be needed in the movement when you 
realize that you are not needed in the movement." 

- Chris Crass

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