Monday, May 20, 2013

Re: Errors in vim app on android

On May 20, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:

You are adding 2 files to the spellfile option. Since you used
whitespace to add the second file, Vim thinks this is another option to
turn on. :h 'spellfile' says this:

|     It may also be a comma separated list of names.  A count before the
|     |zg| and |zw| commands can be used to access each.  This allows using
|     a personal word list file and a project word list file.

I am not sure, why you want to add 2 files, but do as advised if you
think you need it.

Thanks, Christian. I simply adapted what's in my macvim .vimrc for spelling on the android system. I don't know why I have two files there. It was most likely at the suggestion from someone here when I was just getting started with vim.

I'm inclined to go with just one now after your response and reading the spellfile help. The contents of the two files is different however. The "en.utf-8.add" file is simply a list I've added as correct spellings. The "en.utf-8.add.spl" looks like this:

VIMspell2� � abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz�� 235abcdefgjklmnprstuvx 60 u ors u t n e s s a h a m i 6c u r d u Nm cehk <st o m p l Ni m o n e y � i n s t e i 6n n o w l e d g e m e n t Ns i o n a b i l i t 6y dim o Nn c a Nl i s s a b l Ne <a t e r s c h o �o g r e g a t o Nr <e i d 6o cikl ' �s �m ai l Li n ' 6s s t a t 6e eim r i c a cn a l o l 6a o o n  

I think the difference in content contributed to my thinking the two files served different functions. My inclination is to keep the word list file and ditch this one, but I thought I'd inquire here first: What's the function of the "add.spl" file? Any harm in getting rid of it?

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA. USA

"The invincible shield of caring
is a weapon from the sky
against being dead."

– Tao Te Ching, 67

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