On 2013-05-05 10:13, Gregory Caughey wrote:
> I've created a simple template to be called when invoking the
> Calendar plugin via Vim. I want to use this for Administrative
> Logging, so am using modeline to format and set the document
> environment. I want to automate the cursor position so it is placed
> after my header where the message body starts. Can I make Vim
> (7.3.*) behave this way? Thanks, Greg
The short answer is almost positively yes.
Longer answer:
1) I'm not familiar with the Calendar plugin, and
2) you don't mention how the header and body are delimited, and
3) it likely can't be done via a modeline alone, but
taking that into consideration, you can do something like (or add to
your vimrc)
:autocmd BufRead my_calendar_file_glob*.txt /========/+
where, in this case "/=======/" is some pattern that finds the
delimiter. The "+" just moves the cursor to the line following the
delimiter. If the file was a Maildir file, it would have a bunch of
headers, then a blank line, then the body, so you'd use
to put the cursor on the line following the blank line (the first
line of the body).
There might be a wrinkle if the Calendar plugin has its own BufRead
events that might clash, or if it's harder to pinpoint your file with
a particular file-glob.
With a few more details, it might be possible to nail down a more
definitive solution.
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